Let's set the table together.

Inspiring moments and memories shared around The Table Together.

Filtering by Category: Seafood,Holidays

Rose Me! Selecting the Perfect Rose! | Tuesday’s Tip of the Day!

150 T A Rose Me! Picking the Perfect Rose for Occasion, or mood, at Hand!.JPG

If you’re looking for the perfect rose, regardless of what perfect may be, remember this tip! Generally speaking, the darker the hue or color, the sweeter and fruitier the rose. Of course, this is a generality, but by using that tip as a benchmark, you can gauge which will be sweeter or dryer.

For other terrific tips and hundreds of recipes, visit my website (thetabletogether.com). While there, consider “subscribing” and I will send a new tip or blog post directly to your inbox every Tuesday and Wednesday morning!

P.S. Make sure you check out my YouTube channel, The Table Together with Tiffany Lewis, for dozens of videos solely dedicated to bringing all of these fantastic tips and recipes to life!

Cheers to starting a new tradition around The Table Together!



Tiffany Lewis

Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!


Stocking the Bar Cart: Celebrating New Years with all the “Fixings"| Tuesday’s Tip of the Day!

Photo by Papereskimo 

Photo by Papereskimo 

When it comes to a festive New Year’s, its important to stock the bar cart with an element of sophistication while not breaking the bank – or countless hours of sleep. Today I offer my top tips for a fully stocked, festive and show stopping bar cart primed for your guests every wish.


  • To keep things simple, offer a signature cocktail that is pre-mixed and only in need of a shake, stir or few ice cubes to finish. By streamlining the bar cart – remember, less is more – you minimize clutter and spillage all while keeping your costs down. If you would like to take your bar cart to the next level, keep a supply of the basics like prosecco, whiskey, brandy, vodka, and even sparkling cider from which your guests can choose from. While on the subject of sips, consider offering a hot cider or mulled wine for those looking to take off the cold chill from their commute.


  • Don’t forget tonic water, club soda and freshly squeezed orange juice or grapefruit juice as well! Bitters, cherries, orange peels, simple syrup…consider your options and have fun with it. Heck, pomegranate seeds for your prosecco is another simple and festive way to take ordinary to extraordinary levels.


  • Depending on available drinks, have a collection for glasses available for guests to craft their drinks in. Prosecco? Champagne flutes. Old fashioned? Rocks glass. 


  • Use the right cube for drink. Crushed ice simply won’t do with your scant of brandy – plus it melts faster – in your rocks glass. P.S. don’t forget that ice scoop and bucket!


  • Always have cocktail napkins on hand. One way to help adorn the bar cart, is by using festive holiday themed napkins which are both useful and practical.

Festive Accompaniments:

  • From festive colored straws, umbrellas, fancy bamboo pics skewered with olives or cherries, or really whatever may suit your fancy, have a collection of stirrers and straws to adorn even the simplest of sips.


  • Cocktail shakers, stir sticks, strainers, muddlers, lemon or lime juicers, peelers…don’t forget the details because each and everyone make the difference in your overall success! 


  • A small vase of flowers, Glassybaby’s, bowls of gold and silver M&M’ – don’t forget the spoon – and even outlining the bar cart with fresh garland, you immediately take your cart to a whole new level with minimal effort.  

Now that you have a fully stocked bar cart, prepare yourself for an incredible evening as you cheer to 2016 and toast to 2017!

For other terrific tips and hundreds of recipes, visit my website (thetabletogether.com). While there, consider “subscribing” and I will send a new tip or blog post directly to your inbox every Tuesday and Wednesday morning!

P.S. Make sure you check out my YouTube channel, The Table Together with Tiffany Lewis, for dozens of videos solely dedicated to bringing all of these fantastic tips and recipes to life!

Cheers to starting a new tradition around The Table Together!



Tiffany Lewis

Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!


Quick and Easy Tips for Delicious Weeknight Meals | Tuesday’s Tip of the Day!

First of all, cooking during the week is absolutely possible regardless of that last minute 5:00 all-hands meeting.

The most important part is being prepared and having a plan. Anticipate the week ahead and utilize what free time you do have, however little that may be, to make a plan. Whether that plan is Blue Apron or ordering groceries through Amazon Prime, it’s getting food to your table. These two options can be done on the treadmill, while waiting for your triple tall Americano, during your lunch break or on the subway. 

Think of ordering food that can be used for several meals, like a whole roasted chicken for tonight’s supper, tomorrow’s chicken sandwich and the evening’s chicken noodle soup. Make a big batch of quinoa, vinaigrette, pasta, or whatever suits your fancy and simply toss and adorn to your heart’s content. Chop all your veggies and simply use what you need when you need it for a quick sauté or roast.

We think putting together a delicious home cooked meal after a long day’s work is such a feat, but truth be told, its absolutely possible with a little foresight and planning. And, what better way to unwind than making dinner for those that you love.

For other terrific tips and hundreds of recipes, like my whole roasted chicken and numerous vinaigrettes and soups, perfect for making in batches for the week ahead, visit my website (thetabletogether.com). While there, consider “subscribing” and I will send a new tip or blog post directly to your inbox every Tuesday and Wednesday morning!

P.S. Make sure you check out my YouTube channel, The Table Together with Tiffany Lewis, for dozens of videos solely dedicated to bringing all of these fantastic tips and recipes to life!


Cheers to starting a new tradition around The Table Together!




Tiffany Lewis

Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!